Whether you need repair, replacement or a new installation, we handle all your humidifier needs!
It’s great that your furnace heats your home and keeps you warm during the winter, but the combination of heat and cold winter air produces dry air. Just like it’s important for your body to stay hydrated, it’s important for your home to stay hydrated too so those living in the home maintain health and comfort.

How Do I Know if I Need a Humidifier?
Humidity is the presence of moisture in the air. Too much isn’t good but neither is not enough! It’s good to have the right levels of humidity in the air so that it isn’t too humid or too dry.
A humidifier is what puts the moisture back into dry air, and a dehumidifier does the opposite: removes moisture from the air. But how do you know if your humidity levels are off and require a humidifier to restore the balance? Simply put, if you live in St. Louis during the winter, chances are you’ll need a humidifier to protect against dry air.
Dry air can cause a number of problems:
Dry Nose
Sore Throat
Aggravated Allergy and Asthma Symptoms
Increase Spread of Cold and Flu Symptoms
Chipping Paint and Plaster
Cracked Itchy Skin and/or Dry Lips
Static Shock
Splitting or Cracked Wood Floors, Trim, Molding and Furniture
If you don’t have a humidifier and have noticed any of these symptoms in the past, then it’s time to take action! It is important that whole-home humidifiers be installed by a professional HVAC contractor that has experience installing these units.
At Air Comfort Service, Inc. we have the expertise to properly size, select and install your humidifier. When you work with us, you can rest easy knowing that the work is done safely.
Types of Humidifiers
There are several kinds of humidifiers on the market, and they generally fall into two categories: whole-home and portable (single room). Central humidifiers are best for homeowners wanting to improve humidity levels throughout the home, whereas portable units are better for a small space or office.
Central Humidifiers
These systems are built into your home’s HVAC unit. While they’re more costly than portable models, they alleviate dry air throughout the home, instead of in just one room. Whole-house humidifiers are attached to your air ducts and when hot air flows into the house it goes to the humidifier. Pressurized hot air is turned into vapor which is then distributed into the air through the home’s vents. Types of central humidifiers include fan-powered, steam and bypass humidifiers.
Portable Humidifiers
Portable humidifiers include evaporators, impeller, steam vaporizer, and ultrasonic. These humidifiers are more affordable than central units, however they are designed for one room or a small space. Sometimes the air they produce is too moist which can cause problems for people with chronic respiratory issues. Most models also require frequent maintenance.
Still not sure which type of humidifier you need? Call on Air Comfort Service, Inc. to let us help you select the right size and type of humidifier.
What Are the Benefits of Installing a Whole Home Humidifier?
A whole home humidifier is installed directly into your furnace and puts moisture back into the air in your home through your heating and cooling duct system. And because humidified air feels warmer, you’ll be able to turn down your thermostat! Other benefits include:
Lower Heating Bills
Eliminate Static Shock
Reduce Spread of Flu Virus
Provide Relief from Coughs, Congestion, and Sore Throats
Keep Wood Floors, Trim, Molding, and Furniture from Cracking or Splitting
Reduce Dry/Bloody Noses
Relieve Allergy and Asthma Symptoms
Relieve Dry Cracked and Itchy Skin/Lips
Keep Paint and Plaster from Chipping
No Portable Humidifier Tanks to Fill, Empty, or Clean
We're Ready to Help!
For more information on whole home humidifier or for a free estimate, contact us.